ABB PP877 3BSE069272R2 10.4寸操作面板
Panel 800提供一系列操作面板,从简单的按键式面板到高性能面板,从而提供多种通信接口、高速及精美的显示。
面板800版本6 面板:PP877 P
产品编号:3BSE069272R2 显示屏尺寸:10.4英寸
显示颜色TFT-LCD 64k LED背光 亮度(cd/m2) 350
交互型电阻式触摸,100万次手指触摸操作按键,100万次按键操作 处理器ARM9 (400 MHz) 主内存128 MB (DDR2) 应用程序内存80 MB 外部存储介质1 × SD卡插槽(或加载了最新映像的SDHC) 实时时钟是以太网(屏蔽RJ 45) 1 × 10/100 Base-TUSB 1 x USB 2.0,最大值。200毫安串行端口1/2 2组合端口:2 × RS22、2 × RS422/485 尺寸宽×高×深(毫米)204×143×49
安装深度(毫米)(1) 43
安装面板支架和VESA50 × 50 面板安装和VESA 75 × 75 净重(公斤)0.5
电源+24伏直流电(18-32伏直流电) 功耗3.6瓦 防护等级(前/后)IP66
工作温度为-10至+60摄氏度 相对工作湿度5-85%非冷凝 储存温度-20至+70摄氏度 振动和冲击0.7
面板PP871 PP874 PP877 PP874K PP877K
Standard Panels
Panels designed to provide intuitive, fast response rates, ready-to-use templates and libraries, multiple language support and more.
The Standard range of Panel 800 comprises of PP875, PP881, PP883, PP886 and PP895 that are designed for cost-effective, safe and efficient monitoring and controlling complex HMI applications.
These panels provide improved process visibility through high-resolution widescreen in 7”, 10.1”,12.1”, 15.4” and 21.5” TFT/LED display, quicker access to multiple applications and an easy-to-use touchscreen interface.
These panels are made of a strong yet lightweight die-cast, powder-coated aluminum housing and are designed to operate at temperature ranges from -10°C to +60°C / 0°C to +50°C. The IP66/IP65 rating front casing enables them to withstand wet, dusty and demanding environments.